Located on KLTV.com, article “7 of 9 on Plane Crash in Ohio Were From Florida Firm.” Crashing into an apartment building in Akron, Ohio, a small passenger plane killed eight Tuesday afternoon.
Just 2 miles away from the small airport where the plane was supposed to land, it crashed and killed two executives and five employees at Pebb Enterprises, a Boca Raton-based company that specializes in shopping centers. The two pilots were also killed.
A pilot that landed shortly before the crash said there was no distress calls of the aircraft despite being on the same communications frequency as it went down also said by the National Transportation Safety Board on Wednesday.
Reports mention that the plane started going across the tops of trees, the left wing hit the ground, and then it crashed. No one in the apartments were home.
I feel these incidents wouldn’t happen if pilots flew with strict regulations and were more alert. This is a worldwide issue because crashes are happening more and more, some flights are even disappearing.