Kindness is golden and you should treat every human with it. If your day isn’t going well and somebody comes up to you and tells you “are you okay?”. I think we should really think before we speak and be kind to one another!
Valentine’s Day Letters
Dear Casey,
HAPPY VALENTINES DAY! I adore you so much. I bet your eating chocolate right now. February is the best we will all ways have a friendship forever! You are ALWAYS showing me devotion
Thanks for being a good sister
Love, Bubba (Andrew)
PaintBall Wars
Paint-Ball Wars are so much fun it is one of my favorite things to do. First of all it has a tricky part not to be shot because then war ends so that’s basically the end of that game for you but it’s fun hanging out with the guys and having one giant war!
I Have a Dream Too Speech!
Click HERE for 5th grades speeches on I Have a Dream Too!
So Many Words To Say……
This is the time you want to do something with your life. It’s 2012 new year and new life the world can be scary but I have recently found out that I can matter in my life and try to do my best and just go out there and just do something because you only live once, be photographer, artist , actor , dancer , and singer are all things I try to be myself with and just try to get out of the world when I do these things I don’t feel like a nobody. It’s YOUR LIFE! do what you want to do. Express yourself. Be yourself.
New Years Resolution
This is my New Year’s Resolution. Hopefully I will devolope more art skills. Also become a more focused and better student in all of my classes. This year I plan to sell at least 3 of my paintings. Maybe even paint a school mural but I highly doubt that but just maybe. Last but not least I want to go to Mackinac Island and stay at the Grand Hotel where many famous people have gone in Michigan like Mike Rowe and Ralph Polo and others! One way I could try to get there is save my money so I can half of my plane ticket. Or show more responsibilitie and go with my sister when she works at the hotel.
Music Man
The CRAZY Thanksgiving Mom!
“Two Days”! yelled the mom she snatched the keys and ran out the door. When she got to the store she ran to the last turkey and grabbed a box of stuffing and got the others. She got to the bakery and got some pies. She got home “honey could you help me with the grocreys” “kids get in the car” “AWWWWW MOM!” “don’t whin” she had so much road rage the tires were smoking she got she finally got to the coustume store “do you have pilgrim coustumes for kids?” “yes right this way” on the way to the clothes she already got christmas stuff. She got home and they just went to bed . The next day she was even more stressed out. Finally the day was here they sat and watched the Macy’s Thanksgiving parade and the people came and they had the most craziest Thanksgiving in at least since last year!
I would say NO to keeping a $100 bill if found some decent wad of cash I would return it because what if your school principal dropped it he or she wouldn’t be so happy if he or she finds out that you spent it on worthless junk. In fact what if the president of the United States sees you take it well let’s just say your going to be TOAST! Don’t let the devil convince you of taking the money because let’s just face it it’s not such a good risk. If you do take the money at least take it to a charity near you so at least help somebody in need.