In the article, “American Sniper Widow: Gun Control Won’t Protect Us,” found on, Taya Kyle, widow of late Chris Kyle, says she believes gun control is going to take away our rights to bear arms. Taya said that the violent crime rate has gone down in the past 20 years, but our fears have gone up. Taya mentions, that mass killings aren’t just from guns, but from other objects such as: pipe-bombs, a fertilizer truck in the Oklahoma City incident in April, 1995, knifes, box cutters, a pressure cooker in the Boston Marathon, and planes in 9/11, the end result is the same. Even though those objects were used for mass killings, millions of people still use those and there’s no control or bans.
I 100% agree with Taya because there isn’t any controls or bans on those objects, people who are wanting gun control aren’t thinking of the multiple ways people have done destruction with other objects. I also believe if we have gun control, criminals would be more chaotic to get a gun and if we weren’t allowed to have our right to bear arms, there would probably be even more shootings because the rebellion in them would want that to happen. If everyone had a gun, there wouldn’t be that many shootings because if someone pulled out a gun, anyone could pull out theirs and save the victim.